LogScale Manager
LogCom’s scaling software, LogScale Manager (LSM) is a commercial-off-the-shelf software package. LSM has been designed to give users flexibility with the way that data is entered, while also giving managers tight control over the standardization and validity of the data.
The handheld side of LSM is designed for production scaling. The log entry screen is designed for easy readability, logical data flow and fast data entry. Users are also given complete control over the customization of the following:
- field order in load header
- tabbing sequence for data entry
- short-cut keys that can be used for species and grades
- function key for scanning
- repeating species and/or sort codes
- toggling the use of [Enter] key at the end of log data entry
This functionality allows the user to configure the handheld in ways that can increase their own efficiencies. Users can have multiple configuration files which allow them to have different setup preferences for different tasks. A user may have one configuration for entering piece scale data and a second configuration for check scaling. The number of configuration files that a user has is unlimited. These configuration files can be transferred and loaded from handheld to handheld. This eliminates the need for re-configuring settings when you move to a new site with a new handheld, or if the handheld requires servicing. A single user can pick up a new handheld and start scaling with almost no setup time.
LSM achieves both the flexibility and the standardization of the software by controlling all of the data and configuration parameters with a web interface application (LogData Manager) written in Active Server Page (ASP). The data resides in a SQL Server 2005 database and is accessed by the handheld using an internet connection. Therefore, the software requires the handheld to be able to communicate to the internet using either a wireless connection or with an ActiveSync connection via a USB connection to a computer. This web interface design allows managers to access the configuration setup and the data from any location with an internet connection (e.g. office, home, etc.). This model allows for all changes to occur in real-time (upon synchronization), thus providing no lag time between when a modification is made and when it can be implemented. LSM combined with a wireless connection provides access to the internet via the handheld allowing users to view information such as sort specifications on LDM’s web interface program.
Below are some of our advanced functionalities available for piece scaling:
- Header Information – LSM is currently able to accept data from both 1D and 2D bar codes (i.e. log tags, bundle tags, boom tags and load slips). We have done extensive research on RFID tags and built-in handheld scanners and it would require minimal development to accept data from this format, should the need arise. Like bar codes, RFID tags would provide the software with data that would just need to be formatted into the appropriate fields.
- Enterprise System Synchronization – Data captured with LSM is stored in a SQL database, much similar to the data stored in other Enterprise Systems (e.g. LIMS). Routine SQL scripts can be written to facilitate daily synchronization of such Enterprise Systems and LSM (e.g tables, data, sort specifications, etc.).
- Log Quality Remarks – LSM has the functionality of adding Log Quality Remarks incorporated into the software.
- 5 Digit End Use Sorts (EUS) – To accommodate multiple clients or clients using multiple sort specifications, LSM support EUS codes from 2 to 5 digits. This is controlled by the manager interface on the web application.
- Validate against Enterprise System – The ability for managers to enforce desired levels of error checking and data entry validation rules is one LSM’s strong suits. Many of the load header fields can be populated with a drop-down list containing only valid entry data. These lists can be derived through an Enterprise System synchronization process (as described above). The manager can then set the level of error checking to ensure that the field can only be populated with a value that matches the Enterprise System provided values.
- Scale Types – LSM utilizes an EUS driven scale system. Based on the EUS of each log, LSM will require either a straight Metric scale or a dual scale of Metric and a secondary scale (i.e. FBM, Scribner). The addition of other scale types can be added to the system in the same manner. The system has also been designed to support straight scale types other then Scribner.
LSM offers conversions between scale types when a dual scale is being used. These conversions can be applied to Lengths and Top Diameters. Managers have the ability to control which, if any, of these conversions are offered to the scalers.